Saturday, February 25, 2012

Good morning on this Saturday, February 25th. The Bible constantly reminds us of the brevity of life. Nearly 20 times its writers ask the question, "What is your life?" Each and every time it answers that question, it does so with a metaphor demonstrating brevity. For instance, James asks, 'For what is your life?" Then answers the question with, "It is even a vapor that appears for a little while, then vanishes away" (James 4:14). Note that the emphasis "a litle while" and "then vanishes away." Other Biblical comparisons include the swiftness of a weaver's shuttle as it goes back and forth weaving fabric, the swiftness of package deliveries (in today's venacular it would be comparable to Fed Ex delivery service), and how quickly flowers wilt and fade. I was reminded of these truths when I watched a news report this week about the death of war correspondent, Marie Colvin. She was a long-standing seemingly fearless newspaper reporter who most recently worked for UK news services. She had entered Syria and was reporting on the government forces' deadly attacks on both the opposition forces and innocent civilians. Her unmistakable signature was the wearing of a large black patch over a shrapnel injured bad eye, as she was frequently reporting on TV and in photo journalist articles. I watched a live interview with her on CNN late one evening, then watched as the next day they reported her death when a mortar shell hit the house where she was headquartering killing her and a photographer. One day here reporting, talking, living, and a few hours later lifeless - like a vapor which filled the air, then suddenly disappeared. May we be reminded to make the most of our lives for Jesus Christ and the things that matter most. The writer was right who penned, "Only one life, twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ, will last." Take time to tell a loved one you love them, spend time with friends and family, smell the flowers, enjoy a sunrise or sunset, hug your children or grandchildren, and spend time with the Lord. Remember the verse in Proverbs, "Boast not yourself about tomorrow, for you know not what a day may bring forth" (Proverbs 27:1).
Tomorrow's sermon is about Paul's prayer in Ephesians 1:15-23.
I hope you can make it to the services.
Mel Brown   

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Good morning on this Saturday, February 18th. Things are heating up in the exchange between Iran and Israel with the U.S. carefully measuring and monitoring the situation. The issue is Iran's continuing development of Nukes. Yesterday in the UK's Guardian newspaper there was an extensive article about Israel's timetable to launch military action to take out Iran's nuclear sites with the conclusion that this fall would most likely be their time to strike. However, Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, was quoted in the Washington Post  as saying that this spring was more likely. The U.S. has repeatedly warned Israel to stand down from any military action to give the imposed economic sanctions against Iran time to work. Israel is saying that there is a narrow window for them to act and if delayed too long it will lose its opportunity to take them out before they are activated. Israel and the U.S. also differ as to how far along Iran's nuclear development has come and when they would be able to produce a nuclear bomb. Israel claims they will be ready in weeks; the U.S. says months, even up to two years. Tensions are high among Israel's various leaders and between Israel and the U.S. over Israel's Prime Minister's threats to attack soon. The Guardian quotes U.S. officials in the Pentagon and State Department as saying they now believe that sanctions are ultimately doomed to fail but are currently serving two purposes: delaying Israel's military action and assuring the European nations that the U.S. will not act militarily until all other options are exhausted. The great concern is that any attack on Iran would involve us in another military conflict which could quickly escalate into an expanded and protracted war. Given the role Iran will play in future-fulfilled prophecy in Ezekiel 38-39, the current developments are being carefully observed by Bible scholars. We are monitoring the situation and will keep you well informed.
Tomorrow's sermon is from the book of Ephesians and is entitled, In The Heavenlies. I hope you can be there to hear it.
Mel Brown

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Good morning on this Saturday, February 11th. I returned from Florida on Friday of last week where I visited my 97 year old mother-in-law (who is doing wonderfully well after some serious health setbacks) and afterward attended a pastor's conference in Jacksonville. It was a great getaway but I returned to a cache of nearly 800 e-mails waiting for me. I mention this only so that those of you who have contacted me by e-mail while I was gone will be patient in waiting for me to respond as I sort through them all.
During the last week the Capitol and rest of the country has been roiled by the controversy of the government forcing religious institutions except churches to pay for contraception for its employees. A firestorm of protest followed, especially among Catholics, because of the oppositional teaching of that denomination to this practice. Millions of Americans saw this issue as the government forcing religious organizations and its followers to act against their religious convictions. There was considerable concern that if the government could force Catholic organizations to go against their convictions, they could attempt to force any other to do the same. Contraception is not the ultimate issue here but rather government dictating religious practices. My personal conviction as a Christian and a Baptist is KEEP THE GOVERNMENT OUT OF THE AFFAIRS OF THE CHURCH. That has been a Baptist conviction from its inception, the separation of church and state. I have stood by this conviction all of my Christian life and have opposed all attempts of the government to intrude into church teachings and practices. If they can force the Catholics to go against their doctrine and convictions, they can force other churches to go against theirs INCLUDING OURS. This cannot and must not ever be allowed. Our future religious liberty is potentially at stake. We are carefully watching how this issue will play out and hope it will be resolved quickly in favor of religious liberty.
Tomorrow's sermon is from the book of Ephesians and is entitled, The Trinity's Trinity In Salvation. I hope to see you in the services tomorrow.
Mel Brown

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