Saturday, January 27, 2007

It is Saturday morning, January 27th. I continue to struggle with the case of shingles which has improved ever so slowly following the conclusion of my chemo. The fact that my immune system was so weak and the shingles so severe has combined to lead to a very slow recovery. All of my recent medical tests assessing additional problems have come back negative and my low-grade infection has slowly improved. The infectious disease specialist did not think that it was caused by the rare severe bug that showed up in an earlier culture, but thought that reading was caused by contamination of the sample taken. The recent episode of blotches on my face has cleared up with the steriod treatment this week. I continue to covet your prayers for renewed strength and resolution of complications.
Lord willing, I'll be preaching the third and final sermon in the series, So Great Salvation, tomorrow AM. I look forward to delivering that message and seeing you in the services. Thank you again for all of your faithful prayers.
Pastor Brown

Saturday, January 20, 2007

It is Saturday, January 20th. I have continued to have a low-grade infection which has proved stubborn to completely cure. It especially affects my energy and stamina. Though I have improved, I am not yet well. Hopefully my latest treatment will do the job. Please continue to pray with me about this need and, Lord willing, I'll be in the pulpit tomorrow AM.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Greetings on this Saturday, Jan. 13th. I have been continuing to undergo a series of tests to uncover the cause of my continuing symptoms. So far all of the tests have come back as normal. I had more yesterday and will consult an infectious disease specialist on Tuesday. Thank God I am beginning to feel a little better. On the basis of being able to rule out a whole series of problems based upon completed tests, it appears that I am suffering from a low- grade infectious process in my body. I'll let you know when all of the tests and consultations are finished and we have definite answers.
Meantime, I am planning, Lord willing, to speak in both AM services tomorrow morning and hope to see you there. Also, tomorrow night after the evening service, we'll be having a special time to celebrate Sharon Rice's recent retirement after thirty years of faithful service.
Pastor Brown

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Good morning on this 6th day of the new year. I'll begin with an update of my condition. I'm slowly regaining my strength from my bouts with pneumonia, shingles and the chemotherapy treatments. The process is proceeding at a slower pace than I expected, but thank God is improving. I guess coming off of the triple effects mentioned above, that should not have been too surprising. I've had some swelling in my feet and my Dr. is running some tests to further analyze the situation. I shared in my last blog that the pneumonia has cleared up as shown in the CT scan. Please continue to pray for my continued progress, regaining of my stamina, healing of the shingles, resolution of the swelling problem, and, of course, that I will be cancer free. Thank you so very much for your concern and prayers, they have been so vital in my treatment and recovery. It has been so good to be back regularly in the pulpit for the last month. Tomorrow we will have some special guests in the AM. The men and women's basketball teams from BBC will be ministering in the Jr. High and High School departments and the school's athletic director, my friend and former classmate, Dave Drury, will be speaking in both AM services as well as teaching the Adult Bible Class in the sanctuary. Additionally Kim Bumpers will be providing special music. It should be a great day - Lord willing I'll se you there.

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