Saturday, November 24, 2007

Good morning on this Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend. I hope you had as wonderful of a Thanksgiving as I. All of my family was here and we enjoyed a wonderful day together. The last couple of days I've been full-time in the grandfather business with my four grandchildren, Maelynn, Ryan, Brendan and Kaitlynn. What an experience to go fun places with them and soak up the gratification of seeing them so full of glee. Yesterday I took them all to a Disney movie, Enchanted, and it was a delight not only to be with them, but also to enjoy their sheer enjoyment of the experience. Truly children are an "heritage of the Lord" as the Bible proclaims. We are looking forward to our fifth grandchild, Kai, a little guy 16 months old who has serious foot problems. Since my daughter is a foot surgeon, she offered to adopt him and will correct his feet. So if everything goes as planned, we'll have him in our arms sometime in February and that anticipation has made this Thanksgiving even more special. There is one caveat, all of the arrangements have not been completed, so until we have final confirmation, we must remain cautiously optimistic about his coming. During our family Thanksgiving prayer I shared the things for which our family has to be thankful and it again reminded me of how much we take for granted.
Tomorrow's message is entitled, Removing the "In" From Ingratitude. I sincerely hope I'll have the pleasure of seeing you there.
Pastor Brown

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Good morning on this the 17th day of November. Thursday is Thanksgiving and like most of us I am counting my blessings. I'm reminded of the chorus of the song, "Count Your Many Blessings." It goes, "Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done. Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your many blessings, see what God has done." How often do we actually take the time to stop and count up our many blessings. Most of us do have plenty of them - almost too many to count. There are 365 praiseworthy names of God in the Bible and nearly 200 specific things cited for which to be thankful. Of course, this is just the start because all of our specific personal blessings are in addition to the Biblical list. The Psalms are filled with praise and thanksgiving as examples of how our lives should be filled with both. Take time this Thanksgiving to count your blessings and name them one by one; then give thanks to God for each one of them and I think it will surprise you what God has done.
Tomorrow's sermon is entitled, Keeping Up When You Feel Let Down. I'll look forward to seeing you there. Remember, the Wednesday evening service has been moved to Tuesday evening this week because many will be travelling for the Thanksgiving weekend. Praise and pie will be served during this Tuesday service.
Pastor Brown

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Good morning on this Saturday, November 10th. This week's news featured a claim by Iran's leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, that Iran now possesses 3000 centrifuges which, if true, could put them within a year's reach of having the nuclear bomb. This report led to an immediate response on the part of the Israeli government stating that Iran would not be allowed to have nukes. The tone of the response indicated the Israel seems determined to prevent that scenario at any cost, including launching a preemptive strike against their nuclear sites. The Iranian government has promised retaliation against Israel or the United States if these sites are attacked by either country. Meanwhile the clock keeps ticking toward this inevitable confrontation because Iran is determined to go nuclear and Israel and the U.S. are determined that it cannot be allowed to happen. As mentioned in a previous blog, Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has pledged that an attack against Iran would be considered as an attack against Russia. Could this be the world event which will cause Russia, Iran and her allies to attack Israel as predicted in Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39? It could be and if so, keep your spiritual seat belts fastened because we are soon to ride the "upward express" to meet the Lord in the air as predicted in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18. Wow, how exciting it is to watch these events unfold! Keep an eye on these events and keep looking up, "your redemption draweth nigh."
Tomorrow is Anniversary Sunday at Edgewood and the professional drama team, Clear Vision, will be presenting a moving drama in both of the A.M. services which will lead to my short message to follow. Then tomorrow evening the drama team will lead the evening service followed by refreshments in the multi-purpose facility as part of the celebration. I hope to see you there.
Pastor Brown

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Good morning on this 3rd day of November. Don't forget to turn your clocks back one hour tonight. Time change has recently been pushed from late October to early November, so tonight we get back the hour we lost last spring when we moved our clocks forward one hour.
This weekend we welcome Scott Pethel and his bride to be, Dominique Farruggia, as missionary intern candidates for the next two years. We will introduce them in both A.M. services and Scott will be speaking in the 6:00 P.M. service tomorrow evening. Let's give them a warm Edgewood welcome this weekend.
Next Sunday, November 11th, we'll celebrate my thirty-ninth anniversary as pastor of the Edgewood Baptist Church. Our special guests will be the Clear Vision Drama Team who will be with us all weekend and will be doing dramatic presentations in both the A.M. and P.M. services. As an outreach event, it affords a wonderful opportunity to invite friends and family to our services for this special event. May God's blessings be upon our efforts as we work to introduce others to our Savior through this special day.
Tomorrow is communion and the message is about Jesus as our Passover lamb.
I hope to see you there.
Pastor Brown

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