Saturday, April 25, 2009

Good morning! We often hear the saying, "Isn't technology wonderful." The answer, of course, is a definite yes. Computers, the Internet, cell phones, space travel, modern medical technologies such as diagnostics, even robotic surgery, etc. are wonderful inventions, all of which make our lives better, but there is a downside. Biblical prophecies predict things which will happen in the future such as the Antichrist's ability to control commerce and monitor human behavior; these will be made easy by technological advances. In fact, we now have the technology in place which can permit much of what the Bible predicts will happen and newer, faster, better, more advanced technologies are being introduced every day. As more and more of our lives are being influenced, even being governed by these technologies, the coming new world order is gradually taking shape. Our lives are becoming less private all of the time with computerized information being compromised and falling into the wrong hands; hackers are gaining access to both private and personal records as well as corporate, and governmental confidential files. Where is it all going to end? The Bible tells us. We will write in next week's blog about recently reported compromises in a host of important areas which involve our security and safety. You'll want to be sure to read next week's posting, I guarantee it will make you sit up and take notice.
Tomorrow's sermon is How To Make Wise Decisions - Part 2. I hope you'll make a wise decision and not miss it.
Mel Brown

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Good morning on this Saturday, April 18th. I have been working on preparing for my annual prophecy messages which, Lord willing, I will be delivering within the next several months. Each morning I search the stories from sources around the world which could have relevance to Biblical prophecy and analyze them against a Biblical background. Yesterday, the Times of London carried two interesting stories about Israel and Iran. It indicated that Israel is preparing to soon strike Iran's nuke sites and is in fact practicing simulations of the sorties required to get the job done of eliminating Iran's nuclear threat. Israel is convinced that Iran is close to being nuclear capable and that Iran will not hesitate to use that capability against Israel. The article opined that Israel will strike within the near future. The other article discussed the role the United States might play either in support of their mission or in opposition to it and the consequences of our deterrence should the U.S. negatively sanction their plans. Russia has stated that our intelligence information is better than theirs regarding Iran's nuclear progress, that they were not so aware of their immanent threat and that they would try to use their influence on Iran to defuse the situation. However, officials from the former administration have cautioned people in the Obama administration not to be fooled by this rhetoric from the Kremlin because such promises have been given before and have proved to be empty. Clearly the situation regarding Israel and Iran is heating up and bears careful scrutiny. I suggest that you reread Ezekiel 38 and 39 for the possible significance of these events.
Tomorrow's sermon is about how to make wise decisions and is the first of two sermons on this subject. I hope I'll see you there.
Pastor Mel Brown

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter! Today is Saturday April 11th, Easter Eve. Ever since I committed my life to Christ in January, 1963, Easter has been my favorite day of the year because of its paramount significance to the Christian life and message. The message of the resurrection settled doubts, brought victory, and secured faith and hope at a critical place in my life; therefore, I love Easter and everything it stands for. I hope that it has done the same for you. He lives and through Him who is the way, the truth, and the life we have life eternal and abundant.
This Easter will have an extra bonus because all of our family will be together for an Easter celebration as we have the privilege of dedicating my two newest grandsons, Aiden and Kai, in the 11:00 a.m. services, followed by a large family dinner and time of family fellowship. I am so blessed to have a family where we all love each other, get along, and enjoy being together.
Tomorrow's Easter service promises to be exceptional in every way. The opening presentation called, "The Event," the special Easter music, the Easter message, the "One solitary Life" video, and cardboard testimonies by twenty five or so of our people should make it a truly memorable service. He is risen as he said! I hope to see you there.
Mel Brown

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Good morning on this Saturday, April 4th. Tomorrow is Palm Sunday and next Sunday is Easter. Next week leading up to Easter corresponds to the final week in Jesus' earthly life found in the final chapters of the Gospel of John chapters 12 through 21. In John 12:12-19 the Triumphal Entry is recorded where Jesus enters the city in triumph as the people throw palm branches before him - hence the name Palm Sunday. In the following chapters, Jesus observes the Last Supper, prepares his disciples for his betrayal and coming death, prays for His followers in the genuine Lord's Prayer of John 17, is arrested, tried, tortured, crucified, buried, rises from the dead, and then makes numerous post-resurrection appearances. The final week of Christ's life is often referred to as "Passion Week" because the events are focused upon His suffering. May I suggest that you join me in reading these final chapters of John's Gospel throughout next week so we can relive Christ's suffering on our behalf, take time to once again appreciate all He did for us, and express to God our appreciation and thanksgiving for such a wonderful Savior who gave so much for us. Also, let's share the good news of Jesus Christ with as many as possible by inviting them to Easter services throughout next week. He lives should resonate in our thoughts, words and life every day, especially this week. His resurrection produces for us not only eternal life but abundant living as well and this life is too good to keep to ourselves.
Tomorrow's sermon is entitled, Amazing Grace - Part 2. I hope I'll see you there.
Mel Brown

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