Saturday, August 11, 2007

Good morning, it is Saturday, August the 11th. Last week we looked at the ways Jesus did not think and today we'll look at some of the ways He did think - those things which He purposely focused upon in His mind. They include: humility, gratitude, the Word of God, the will of God, worship, God consciousness, faith, forgiveness, future/prophecy, eternity, others, witness, the kingdom, sharing, prayer, righteousness, peace, discipline, and discipleship. Additionally, He saw that his mother's needs were met, cultivated friendships, and had His material needs met through work and support. Clearly His priorities shined through in every aspect of His life. If we are to have the mind of Christ and let the mind of Christ be in us, we should strive to emulate Him in our priorities and thoughts.
Tomorrow's sermon will focus on Paul's third missionary journey and the giving and receiving of advice. I am looking forward to seeing you there.
Pastor Brown

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Good morning on this 4th day of August. Last week we mentioned that we would look at how and what Jesus thought so that we could emulate Him in order to obey the command to "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 2:5). This week we will highlight the ways Jesus did not think and next week, the ways He did think. Jesus did not:
1. Worry
2. Dwell on the negative and overlook the positive
3. Dwell on the past
4. Become fearfully minded
5. Personalize and have trouble putting things behind Him
6. Make mountains out of molehills
7. Distort the truth
8. Look at the world through either rose colored or dark colored glasses
9. Avoid life's difficulties and responsibilities
10.Get down on Himself or others
11.Think of a single negative event as a continuing pattern of defeat
12. Dwell on material things and think that material things would bring happiness or fulfillment
Would to God that all of us could order our thoughts so that we would avoid these pitfalls in our thinking; if so, our lives would be so much better. The good news is that by the grace of God we can!
Tomorrow's sermon is about Paul's second missionary journey and focuses on some of his most interesting and important encounters. I hope to see you there.
Pastor Brown

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