Saturday, November 25, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving weekend on this Saturday, November 25th. I hope you had a wonderful holiday with lots of good food and fellowship. My whole family was home including all of my children and grandchildren. It is always a special occasion when we can all get together and enjoy each other's company for a few days every now and then.
My recent bout with shingles has been an unexpected setback which has been both long and difficult. Progress has been slow with my recovery taking longer than I would have liked. In fact last week after preaching both services, I was so weak and tired, I spent the next several hours in bed and was totally wiped out for the next several days. Clearly I underestimated my strength level at the time; therefore, I decided to not preach tomorrow to give myself an extra week to regain the strength I need to effectively preach the Word. Lord willing, I'll be back in the pulpit next Sunday, December 3rd.
Our newest associate, Pastor Andy, will be speaking in both services tomorrow and that should be a blessing to most of you who have not yet had the privilege of hearing him.
Unexpected incidents in our lives may be unplanned by us but they are never unexpected by God. Think of virtually every Bible character's life and you will find numerous examples of unexpected incidents including Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, etc. The list includes all except Christ. The best way of viewing these incidents is Romans 8:28, And we know that all things work together for good, to them who love God, who are the called according to His purpose. Joseph understood the meaning and proper perspective of this verse in his circumstances with his brothers which resulted in his experiences in Egypt when he said, You intended it for evil, but God intended it for good. Remember every such incident may not in itself be good, but God's promise is to make it WORK TOGETHER for good. Now how can you beat a promise from God like that!


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