Saturday, November 04, 2006

Good morning on this Saturday, Nov. 4th. This has not been a good week for me. Early on I began experiencing some discomfort on the right side of my chest and back and soon had sores covering the right side of my chest extending under my arm and continuing across my upper back. Based upon my symptoms, I thought I had a case of shingles which the Dr. confirmed when I saw him early the next morning. I figured out why they call them shingles - because it feels like somebody took 16 penny nails and pounded them into your body (like to hold shingles to a roof) to hold the sores to your flesh. They are quite unpleasant. I'm taking a variety of meds including pain killers to keep as comfortable as possible and I'm grateful for every med and the relief it affords. Of course this hit when my immune system was at its low because of the treatment and I am counting the days toward getting my immune system stronger so that it will better be able to overcome this latest setback. Going through this ordeal has triggered flashbacks of having chickenpox as a child and I can't seem to remember much positive about that. I remember constantly asking my mother how much longer this was going to last and never being satisfied with her response. Please pray that my immune system will quickly strengthen, that I will have a quick and complete recovery, and that the Great Physician will soon complete His work through my treatment. There are some positives to consider through this latest setback. I'm grateful it happened during the last chemo treatment instead of earlier on; I'm grateful for the meds available to provide palliative care for this condition; I'm grateful that the Great Physician promises to be with me to go through everything I face and to be an ever source of comfort and strength as our High Priest who can be touched with the feelings of our infirmaties; and I'm grateful for the faithful prayers on my behalf because the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Pastor Tim will be preaching in both AM services tomorrow. Pastor Andy is out of town this weekend with members of his S.S. class at a marriage seminar, so Pastor Ed will be preaching on Sunday evening. Please don't forget that tomorrow we will be observing the Lord's Supper.
Mel Brown


At 11/07/2006 10:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning Pastor Brown!
This is Mark Nolen. Since the gasoline prices went through the roof a few months back sales at Deere (Davenport) have dramatically dropped and so my entire assembly line has been laid off for two weeks. I'm into my second week off now, and have to admit I like not being there. Ha! I will be retiring from Deere this coming December 15th after 30 years. So this time off is a practice run. I read your blog this morning. There is one other person I know of that suffered through the shingles. His explanation of the pain associated with it was the same as yours. Not good at all. Mainly Pastor Brown I wanted to say that I miss having you around and look forward to your return. The other Pastors are all doing a great job, and you can certainly tell that they have been trained by the best,(you), and the Lord of course. Narcissa and I will keep you in our prayers. None of us I guess can really ever know until it happens how we are going to react if we get sick with cancer. I find you Pastor Brown a person to easily admire, and a source of great encouragement for those who do become ill with this dreaded disease. I look forward to seeing you fully recovered and back in the position the Lord has given you at Edgewood. I pray the Lord will completely heal you, and continue to bless the Edgewood family with your presence. Your friend in Christ!


At 11/11/2006 8:27 AM , Blogger Pamela said...

Found your blog to be so refreshing and uplifting. Here you are suffering from shingles, which I have heard is more painful than anything, and I can still sense your optimism. My prayers are with you Pastor Brown. I liked that your refer to yourself as Silver Eagle now that your hair has come back rather than Bald Eagle. I love your spirit. My love and prayers will be with you and I am so glad they are able to give you something to take the edge off from the pain. Blessing to you Pastor Brown! :)


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