Saturday, November 18, 2006

On this Saturday, Nov. 18th, I am writing a blog which will be unusually brief for two reasons: (1) although the shingles are improving daily, I still have lesions under my right arm which make it both difficult and uncomfortable for me to do much typing (2) I'm planning to be in the pulpit for both services tomorrow AM, Lord willing, preaching a Thanksgiving sermon entitled, The Love Equation: Greater Forgiveness = Greater Gratitude. This is a message I'm particularly anxious to preach because of its timeliness and relevancy in our lives. Please continue to pray for me as I prepare for some tests after Thanksgiving to assess the affectiveness of my chemo treatments.
I'll look forward to seeing you all tomorrow. You may have trouble recognizing me because I now have so much hair. :)
Mel Brown


At 11/20/2006 9:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duane & I pray for you everyday. We pray that the Lord , in his Goodness will help you to recover from the Shingles, & also to recover from the cancer that has set you back. All we can figure, is God wanted your "FULL" attention for something! ONLY HE KNOWS what that is.
Last Sunday when Duane & I came for the Sun.Eve. Service , we came prepared for your 35th Anniv. of being at EBC.BUT we were told that you had Shingles, I KNEW what you were going through,because of having that myself a few yrs ago. The pain stayed with me for yrs. I was praying ,it seemd like FOREVER , that the Lord would relieve that pain. It eventually subsided. Having that myself , I knew EXACTLY how to pray for you.
We also wanted to take this opportunity to tell you that we appreciate You & Barb. & your Family & your Dedication to your Lord. For ALL the many messages you have given us. I have so many notebooks of messages over the years. One day I was going through one of the notebooks , & I came across a message about the Lord's Supper. I EVEN took notes on that. One thing I do when we have The Lord's Supper, is to quote Ps139:23-24 to The Lord, & I pray those verses back to The Lord. Before we joined Edgewood, we had never heard The Lord's Supper sermon from anywhere else. We appreciate the Wisdom that God has bestowed on You to share with us. We Thank God for You & Your Family & Your tireless dedication to our Wonderful Lord. Thank You for the many years of service to Him.
Happy Anniversary!
Love In Christ;Duane & Cynthia Hunsinger


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