Saturday, June 09, 2012

Good morning on this Saturday, June 9th. Last month when we celebrated Memorial Day, I wrote about the importance of honoring our war dead and remembering to pray for their families.

This week a news report revealed that we are experiencing a record number of suicides among our troops. During 2012 the suicides are occurring at a rate of one per day among our active-duty military personnel exceeding the death rate of those dying in battle. Many reasons are cited for the high suicide rate including the extreme stress levels under which troops live, multiple deployments, too few qualified mental health counselors, the stigma some military personnel feel about seeking professional help, family pressures and severe financial strains.

This suicide rate does not take into consideration those cases of suicide occurring after troops are discharged and return home. Paul Rieckhoff, executive director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, cited a survey conducted by his organization which revealed that 37% of its 160,000 members knew someone who had committed suicide. He also pointed to the high unemployment rate among returning soldiers. Many companies are now considering instituting a policy of giving special attention in their hiring practices to returning military.

This report reminds us that we should not only faithfully pray for our troops and their families, but for our returning soldiers and their families as well. We should all ask ourselves, "how can I make a difference in a service man or woman's life?" Remember Jesus taught when we give even a cup of water in His name we are giving it to Him (Matthew 25:35-42). That makes our acts of caring a triple blessing with triple reward - the recipient is blessed, the giver is blessed, and Christ is blessed.

Tomorrow's sermon is the second in the series, Prophecy Update 2012. I hope you can make it.
Mel Brown

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