Saturday, April 21, 2012

Good morning on this Saturday, April 21st. Many of you have been inquiring about when I will do a prophecy update based upon events occurring throughout the changing geopolitical scene. I plan to do a prophecy update after I complete the messages on Ephesians. In the mean time, I would suggest keeping a close eye on the following events: (1) Iran's progress in their development of nuclear weapons. (2) Israel's pursuit of an attack on Iran's nuclear sites (Various news sources are reporting that Israel will likely attack these sites by late fall). (3) Egypt's new government's composition (Particularly whether it is composed of radicals who threaten to support a more radical agenda). (4) Syria's internal struggles and success of rebel's attempted overthrow of their government. (5) Russia's position of support of Iran in their pursuit of nukes. (6) North Korea's continued pursuit of nuclear capability to develop a rocket that is capable of reaching other continents. (7) The U.S. and allies posture toward prevention of rogue nations like Iran having nukes. These are a few of the many world-wide events which bear watching. Tomorrow's message will be about walking in harmony in relationships between parents and children. I hope you will attend. Mel Brown

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