Saturday, August 14, 2010

Good morning on this Saturday, August 14th. We have been anticipating it for the last two years and now it looks like it will become a reality within the next few weeks. The head of Iran's Atomic Energy Agency has announced that Iran's nuclear power plant will go online seven or eight days after Russia delivers its nuclear fuel supply. The fuel supply is scheduled for delivery on August 21st. In fact Russia has declared that it will begin loading fresh nuclear fuel into the reactor as soon as it is delivered. Some news sources estimate that it will take a little longer and place the activation date in mid-September. Israel's leadership has unequivocally said they will not allow Iran to become nuclear which could precipitate a possible confrontation which might have far-reaching and devastating consequences. When asked if the United States has a contingency plan to take out Iran's nuclear capability, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs said yes. So we seem to be moving closer to a serious conflict which could involve various Arab states, Russia, Israel, and the United States. Numerous attempts to persuade Russia not to supply the fuel for the reactor have been unsuccessful. We are carefully monitoring these events because of the possible relevance to fulfilling Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39. Each of us should be keeping a watchful eye for further developments.
Tomorrow's sermon is entitled, An Example of Worship from Psalm 96. I hope to see you there.
Mel Brown

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