Saturday, July 31, 2010

Good morning on this Saturday, the last day of July. One of the methods I use when studying the Bible is to ask and answer a series of questions about the passage I'm examining. This method is particularly helpful in making practical applications of the Scripture to my everyday life. I'm providing an example of this process in today's blog. Matthew 6:33 says, "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
(1) What does it mean to SEEK God's kingdom? What is God's kingdom?
(2) What are the specific things I need to do to show I am seeking His kingdom?
(3) What does it mean to SEEK His righteousness? What is His righteousness?
(4) What are the specific things I need to do to show I am seeking His righteousness?
(5) How can I put God first in my life? In my attitudes? In my actions?
(6) If I give God first place in my life, how will that manifest itself in my home? In my work? In my time? In my finances? In my values? In my leisure? In all of my priorities?
(7) If I seek His kingdom and righteousness first in my life what will be the benefits? What are "all these things" that will be given to me according to Matthew 6?
(8) What is the main thing I will do to seek His kingdom and righteousness first in my life TODAY?
When you thoughtfully seek and find the answers to these questions about this verse, you will be better equipped to understand and put into practice the teaching of this verse. Give it a try and see for yourself.
Tomorrow's message is entitled, The Means Of Worship. I hope I'll have the pleasure of seeing you there.
Mel Brown

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