Good morning on this 27th day of October. Nations and their surrounding events are in a constant state of flux and some of them can have major significance in the arena of Biblical prophecy. Such is the case with Russia. Following Russia's revolution under Yeltsin in which they threw off the yoke of communism, they have moved steadily away from democracy under the leadership of Putin. His goal has been to restore Russia to super-power status and once again make Russia a major player in world events. He has succeeded in reviving Russia's economy (mostly through oil revenues when oil went from $20 to $90 a barrel), rebuilding its military, developing new weapons systems, and becoming increasingly oppositional toward the west in foreign policy. He has threatened retaliatory action if the U.S. and its European allies install a proposed missile shield (comparing it to the Cuba missile crisis in the 60s) and stated that an attack by the U.S. on Iran would be considered as an attack against Russia. Since Ezekiel places Iran as an ally of Russia, this could have great prophetic significance. Clearly Russia is moving more and more into position to exercise her role predicted in Ezekiel 38 & 39. Now Turkey, long a U.S. ally, has become increasingly distant toward the western nations. After being rebuffed in its attempt to join the European Common Market, threatening action against the Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq who have menaced their border and attacked their troops and courting religious Muslim leadership instead of secular governance, they have expressed ever-increasing anti-west rhetoric. Keep a close eye on Turkey because Ezekiel places them in alliance with Russia and Iran, not with the western nations. It is wise to carefully study Biblical prophecy and at the same time, scrutinize world events because they can be so interrelated. Remember - PERHAPS TODAY - Jesus is coming again. Will you be ready?
Tomorrow our guest speaker in the A.M. services will be Dennis Jennings, Assistant Missions Director for the Baptist Bible Fellowship International. There will also be special adult Sunday school classes meeting in the auditorium and multi-purpose facility. The Edgewood 2007 Mission's Conference will close on Sunday evening with a candle-light service featuring our former intern, missionary Cory Barker.
I hope you'll be attending all of these services tomorrow.
Pastor Brown
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