Saturday, September 08, 2007

Good morning, it is Saturday September 8th. I returned home on Labor Day from my vacation which took me to Maryland to visit my two brothers for ten days, then to Chicago to visit my daughter, Cheryl for several days. Both trips were thoroughly enjoyable. One year ago I couldn't have even thought of making the trips because I was so weak, but I thank God my strength has gradually increased and my neuropathy is slowly improving as well. Thanks be to God that He heals and gives strength to the weary. The Psalmist recited a long list of God's benefits to us in Psalm 103 and provides this admonition, "Bless the LORD, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits" (Psalm 103:1-2). So today I ask you to join me in blessing the Lord and His name with all that is within us in the depths of our souls (mind, emotions and will) and forgetting not His many benefits listed by the psalmist: forgiveness, healing, redemption, loving kindness, tender mercies, satisfaction, good things, renewed strength, righteousness, judgment, making known His ways, mercifulness, graciousness, slowness to anger, plentiousness, not dealing with us after our sins or rewarding us according to our iniquities, removing our transgressions, pity, remembering that we are weak, preparing His throne in the heavens and that His kingdom rules over all. Now that gives us a heartful of praise doesn't it?
Tomorrow's sermon is about the one thing we are to continually do to succeed in the Christian life and is entitled, Going for the Gold: Your Past, Present and Future; also we will be observing communion. I hope to see you there.

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