Saturday, September 22, 2007

Good morning on this Saturday, the 22nd day of September. I updated you on my recent doctor's visits and lab results last week. If you missed it, please see last week's blog. Today I thought I would focus on the Psalmist's practical resolution in Psalm 108. He determinately states, O God, my heart is fixed; I will sing and give praise, even with my glory. Now that is an attitude of heart that we all need to emulate. He has a fixed attitude of heart that he will give praise to God. There are always and will always be things for which to praise God regardless of our circumstances; these are the enduring fruits of our relationship with the Lord which are included in this Psalm: mercy, truth, deliverance, prayer, and help. His mercy endures forever, His truth is everlasting, our deliverance is eternal, He is always a prayer away and He is an ever-present help when we need Him. No wonder the Psalmist said his inner man was so securely determined to praise the Lord. He knew these qualities were always his possessions and that he could have joy because he could always count on them and their benefits. Though there are so many other things for which we may praise the Lord, these should be both the basics and basis of all of our praise. Let's do that regularly in our lives.
Tomorrow's sermon is entitled, How God's Grace Turns Our Weaknesses into Strength. I hope I'll see you there.
Pastor Brown
P.S. Don't forget Friend Day at Edgewood will be Sunday, October 7th and is only two weeks away.

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