Good morning on this last day of June. Soon our adult groups meeting in the multipurpose center during the 9:30 Sunday school hour will begin a new series of studies about prayer. Spurgeon called prayer the power plant of his church and Jesus taught that it was an essential ingredient of an intimate and and meaningful relationship with God. Who among us would not say that our prayer life could use some growth and development. Even the venerable evangelist, Billy Graham, has recently said that one of his regrets as he looks back over his nearly ninety years of life and nearly seventy years of ministry is that he did not pray more. However, it is not merely the how often or how much of prayer that is important, but the how itself. These studies will focus on all of these important points with an emphasis on the practical aspects of successful prayer. I hope you will avail yourself of this opportunity to stoke up the power plant of God in your life. See my wife or call the church office if you are interested in participating.
Thank you again for your continuing prayers for me; they are always so very much appreciated. I've been fighting a sinus infection this week but am now beginning to feel better.
Tomorrow's message is entitled, The Holy Spirit Working Through Men. It will concentrate on how the Holy Spirit worked in the lives of four men, Stephen, Philip, Simon the sorcerer and the Ethiopian eunuch. I'll look forward to seeing you there.
Pastor Brown
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