Saturday, October 06, 2012

Good morning on this Saturday, October 6th. We are a people who are always focusing on the importance of being first. First place is the coveted place in graduating classes in school. Finishing first in an athletic contest is the acme of success to competitors with all Olympians striving for the coveted gold metal. Kids often rush to be first in line to go to recess or lunch. Radio stations have promotions where the first 10 callers win the prize. The first one to hit the buzzer on game shows has the opportunity to answer the question and win on Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune. Many brag about being the first to have a new product such as the new IPhone or IPad.

But the first that Jesus asked us to constantly pursue is often neither coveted nor practiced in many Christian's lives. Jesus said, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you" (Matthew 6:33). The word "seek" in this verse is both imperative and continuous in action (present tense) which means we are to constantly, seriously, and with absolute prioritization seek God's kingdom (rule) and pursue the righteousness of Jesus Christ in our lives.

When I was a young Christian I read Sheldon's book, "In His Steps" which presented the case of people who would regularly ask themselves the question, "What would Jesus do?" and then attempted to live their lives by doing what Jesus would do. The impact on their decisions, priorities, and actions was incredible in every area of their lives.

Are we willing to make that the first in our lives? That is the most important question we can consider as followers of Jesus Christ  because it is the most important first of all.

Tomorrow's sermon begins a series entitled, "It Is All About Jesus." I hope to see you there.
Mel Brown

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