Saturday, August 01, 2009

Good morning on this first Saturday of August. The conflict between the Jews and Arabs has existed through many centuries. Last week's blog focused upon the origin of these ethnic groups through the linage of Abraham with the Arabs descending through Ishmael and his mother, Hagar, and the Jews descending through Isaac and his mother, Sarah. God promised that both would become great nations. In Genesis 10, a table of nations is presented as descendants of Noah and his three sons, Ham, Shem, and Japheth whom God told to "fill the earth." Seventy descendants of Noah's three sons are listed. In Genesis 10:15-19 the boundaries of the promised land are given as the descendants of Canaan are traced. The study of the descendants of Noah's sons is a branch of scientific and Biblical research called Ethnology from the Greek word ethnos which means nations and is a fascinating study involving the descendant's migration to different lands and regions and the nations which sprang from each part of the linage. Through the years I have extensively studied ethnology and related the findings to historical, theological and prophetic Biblical teachings. In next weeks blog, I'll discuss Genesis 10 and a table of nations as it relates to prophecy. I think you'll find it to be of particular interest as it relates to our prophecy update series in the Sunday sermons. Tomorrow's sermon is Anticipation of Armageddon. I hope you'll be there.
Mel Brown

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