Saturday, July 01, 2006

It is Saturday morning, July 1st. I completed my first week of treatment last week and it went fine. The nausua is being handled well with meds and I'm dealing trial and error with the fatigue factor. I tend to have my energy early in the morning and try to make the most of it in those earliest hours. I am scheduled for my next week of treatment the week of July 10th. Barb has been my personal nurse and has taken very good care of me. Thank you for your prayers, cards and notes of encouragement - they mean more to me than you will ever know. It is great to be part of such a loving caring church family. On a final note, someone said, "When you start to lose your hair will you part it on the left or the right?" and I thought, neither because it will be departed.
Thanks again for your faithful prayers and concern.
Mel Brown


At 7/03/2006 2:28 PM , Blogger Tess Rinehart said...

Hi, Pastor!
We are praying that the side effects of the chemo will lessen as time goes on, and that the treatment will be maximally effective. I liked your comment about your hair "departing'! Being married to a follically challenged man, I have always preferred the aerodynamic look. Enjoy the money you save on shampoo, and the time saved in front of the mirror!
We love you, pastor, and pray we will be able to enjoy your company for many, many years to come. Take it easy, and give Barb a big kiss!
Brad & Tess Rinehart

At 7/06/2006 9:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers constantly. I hope this has been a better week for you.

At 7/06/2006 10:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pastor Brown ...
Just a quick note to let you know you are constantly in my prayers. Thanks for starting the blog to keep us updated.It will be nice to get information straight from the horse's mouth rather than through the grapevine. Not that I am calling you a horse or anything.... :)

At 7/07/2006 2:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pastor Brown,

Even though I'm a former member of Edgewood you will always be my Pastor.Your minstry, your messages, and your counsel have helped me more than you will ever know.I understand you're facing some health issues. I want you to know there is not a day that goes by that you are not in my prayers. I learned many things under you minstry ,but one I will never forget " GOD IS ENOUGH "

My God bless you and strengthen you during this difficult time !

At 7/07/2006 5:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Morning Pastor and I pray that it really is a good morning for you. I am lifting you up in prayer this morning and will continue to do so all day long. May God rest His healing hand upon you and strengthen you, comfort you and bring you peace.

At 7/09/2006 10:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Pastor Brown;
When Fern Smith was very,very sick, I asked her how should we pray for her, she said , please,please pray for "Added Extra Strength."
So now that's what we are praying for YOU. We KNOW that our Wonderful Lord WILL provide that Strength for YOU.When we are at our weakest point,that is when the Lord carries us. I think of that poem about "Footprints" & how when there were ONLY one set of footprints, that's when God carries us. There is NO DOUBT in our minds that God will carry you through this.
Love In Christ;

At 7/11/2006 2:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Pastor Brown:

It was very good to see you this past Sunday at EBC and your sermon was very good! My family & I pray for you regularly. Thanks for the reminder that we can always, at any time, take any & all cares to our Lord & Savior! May God help you through this current round of treatment & may it be effective at stopping the cancer! Take care & God Bless! Perry Hubert & family

At 7/12/2006 11:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pastor Brown
I'm praying for you every day.Once you are up to it,I'm taking you out to eat.I want to pick your brain as I am appreciative and amazed by your knowledge.Thanks for teaching us from the Word of God,and thanks for being the best.

Long time member

At 7/18/2006 9:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Pastor Brown
Wow, Kojack preaching in our services, We want your autograph!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
It doesn't matter if you have hair or not, the Bible says , Beautiful are the feet of those that carry the Word Of God to His people. We are just saying , it doesn't matter if you have hair or not, YOU ARE STILL BEAUTIFUL TO US!!!!!! BECAUSE you teach us the things that God wants us to hear.GOD BLESS YOU.
P.S. We can't WAIT to see your new hat.
Love In Christ

At 8/28/2006 6:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pastor Mel,
Be praying BIG TIME FOR YA. Hope your tests come back A OKAY and hope to cya leadind the PACK, real soon. So hang in there Pastor Mel.

Bob and Mary Squires Sr.


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